
Hello December

This year I decorated our Christmas tree with my son.
Our Christmas tree is not so big; however, it is good size for our small apartment.
I choose the red and gold glass ornaments for our tree.
There are a lots of pretty ornaments in different colors, but I tried hard to stick with my choice.

Here is my son helping me. He hung them very well and did not to play with them. Somehow He already knows about Santa Claus, and waiting for him everydays.(and  present, of course)

On the rainy days, he asked me if Santa has a unbrella. He is so sweet. :)
I answered that Santa wears a special coat to keep him warm and not able to get wet from snow or rain.

This is one of my favorite. Santa Claus on a Polar bear.
I purchased it at a hallomark shop on last year's after christmas sale.
So this is his first year on the tree. Isn't it cute? 

Seems like we have more and more ornaments each year.
There is no room for new ornaments.

Yeah! Merry Christmas!!

4 件のコメント:

  1. Your Christmas tree decoration looks super cute! Santa Clause riding a polar bear just makes me smile..

  2. You have a beautiful Christmas tree! And that reminds of our tree... which we don't have yet...

    もう12月か~、なんて言ってるうちにお正月になっちゃいそうな勢いで月日が流れています~。 息子さんのコメント、可愛いですね! 我が家の娘たちはサンタさんから欲しいものは「もちろん、キャッシュ!」などとほざいていて可愛い気がまったくありませ~ん(これもやはり、母親似でしょうか…)。

  3. Hi Speckled Hen, Thank you for your comment.
    I love to decorate the Christmas tree! Now I have to start to think about the present for my
    son. :)

  4. Hello Amy san!
