
pot holder

One of my good friend will move to Texas next month. Because of her husband's job.
I feel sad, because she is the first person whom I became a friend since I came to US.
Texas is far from California, but not so far like Japan. I will visit her someday.

She is really sweet person and good mother of two kids.
She is also best cook that I have ever met.  I learned a lot of recipe from her.
The meals I cook for the guest are almost from her recipe.

So that reason, I made pot holders for her as a gift.

The top image is patchwork pot holder. The fabric is from cosmo cricket, early bird collection.

I used this batting. (purchase from Joann) Have you ever used this batting?
I found it at Joann, it is for the pot holder. So you don't burn your hand.
I used two layer of batting for secure not to burn her hands.

I also made these two pot holders.
They are zakka style. The fabrics are from Japan.

decorative stitch.

There is no place like ho.....   OH!NO! I missed "me" of home..... miss cutting.....

There are the pockets to put your hands inside.

I remembered. Her home are decorated with red, blue and white. (american color!)
I picked red, blue and white to make this one. (These pretty fabric is the gift from my good sewing friend, Amy. Thank you Amy!)

I gave them to her when she and her family visited me last Saturday.
I hope she likes them.

She is very busy to prepare for moving, however she will have a party in her house tomorrow.
I will join her. I already baked brownies and another sweets to bring with me.

I hope everyone have happy holidays.

3 件のコメント:

  1. I love your quilted projects!! These potholders are so lovely and practical!! お友達とのお別れは寂しいですね。 でも、こんなに素敵なプレゼントをもらえたお友達はラッキーですね。 それはそれは喜ばれたことだと思いますー^^

    ところで…赤いヤギさんプリント生地ですが、あ!私も同じ記事を持ってるわん…などと、のん気に拝見していたら、なんと!この生地は私がお贈りさせていただいたものだったとは! まったく記憶にないのが恐ろしいところです…。例によって大ボケの私ですが(とほほ)、でもこんなに可愛い作品に仕上がってとっても嬉しいですーー♪♪ わーい。 

  2. Amyさん、こんにちは。赤いヤギのきじと花の生地はAMyさんからのギフトですよ~。
