
baby shower gifts

gift for baby boy
Hello, everyone. How are you doing?
I am doing well, just busy to take care of my baby girl.

Today I want to share the baby gift which I made for my friend.
She is expecting her baby boy on August and her baby shower will be held next Sunday.

fabric basket from noodlehead's pattern
First of all, I made a divided fabric basket. I really love her pattern. The basket is very useful!

Then I made two changing mats.

changing mat

brown polka dots fabric is oil cloth

This one is diaper pouch. I wanted to make the one like mine, however I mistook when I cut the fabric....   I hope it still work for her.

Burp cloth. 
burp cloth
Herbal tea and slim pencil case. Pencil case, because She is very good at drawing. 

 I hope she will enjoy the gift!

My daughter is now 2 moths old.
She starts to smile and getting chubby everyday!


My son is really good helper. He takes care of his sister very well and I am very pround of him!

2 件のコメント:

  1. Love your handmade gifts!! Your friend is so lucky!

    赤ちゃんもとっても可愛いですね♪ お兄ちゃんもますますしっかりしてきて頼もしい~。お写真拝見しているだけでほんわか~とした気持ちになり和みます^^ 


  2. Amyさん、こんにちは。ベビーシャワーギフトで久々に手芸をしたら、やっぱり失敗してしまいました><
