

Hello everyone, how are you doing? I am doing great, just do not have much time to upload my blog. It is getting warmer and I spent more time outside to do my garden recently. I love gardening as much as sewing. It is my second year to spend our new house. We worked hard to fix our back yard last year, so now I have plenty of space for my flowers, veggies and tree this year!
The tulip pop up under the Ginkgo tree. (My son took this photo. Great job!)
my lantern Rose. (we called Christmas rose in Japanese)
Flower basket is getting full of flowers now. Then we went to see some fruit flowers a few days ago.
(my son took this photo.) ********************************************************* Here is the new azuma bukuro bag in my shop.
I also updated new pillow cover. Please come to see what I have!


Valentine card

There is a valentine party in my son's school.
He have to make the card for all of his classmates. (15 class mates and two teachers)

I am not sure if my son knows about valentine, however party is always fun for him.

I cut the fabric into heart shape, then he glue it on the craft paper.

We added  "smile" using craft punch, then he wrote his name on the backside.
Probably we will give the card with kiss chocolate to his friends.

I realized the parents are involved a lot of school event in US.
This is our first year... it is not over yet. It is still long way to go. :)

Good luck all parents and Happy Valentine!