
I am back

Hello Everyone, I am back from my vacation.  I had great time with my family and friends in Japan.
I miss them, but I also feel relief to return.  My parent's home is where I grew up, however I feel this home in US (with my husband, son and kitties) is real my home now.

Gradually I am going to sewing again!

Here is my new line of azuma bukuro bag.
I choose Lark series from Amy Butler and especially more contemporary pattern and add black color accent for combination.

This pattern is Chinese lantern. It is cute. I love it.

How about this one?  It is interesting. native pattern?

If you are interested in, please visit my Etsy shop. ;)

Here is next  my project.

I am going to make a dress for my niece. Her 2nd birthday is coming soon!!

It is like vintage pattern (to me.) I hope it will turn out pretty dress.

Thank you for visiting.
Have a great weekend.

2 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

Welcome back りょうこさん! 日本での滞在、エンジョイされたようで何よりです。息子さんも日本語が更に上達したのでは? 

新しいあずま袋の布あわせもモダンな感じでいいですね! 姪っ子ちゃんのドレスの生地、とっても可愛い~。完成が楽しみです♪


cocostitch さんのコメント...
