Box lunch is called " o bento " in Japanese.
I asked him what he want to bring for lunch. His answer is "takoyaki ".
Takoyaki is very popular food in Japan. I love it. However I need a special tool to make it.
His second request was "onigiri(rice ball)", egg, sausage.
This is his bento box. This is kind of zakka. I saw some online store to sell Japanese lunch box.
I think Japanese bento box is getting popular in US.
There are a lot of variety. It is hard to choose from!
In addition, another cute bento komono(item) are available!
This is pick.
This is aluminum foil for wrap rice ball or sandwich.
And this is his today's lunch.
I made pumpkin korokke (fried pumpkin), egg&cheese, little sausage, broccoli and tomato.
Here is the link for idea of Bento. You'd be surprised how cute it is!
I can't believe some Japanese mom(or daddy) make such a pretty bento every morning!
Enjoy your lunch!
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