
Reindeer 2013

Reindeer 2011 and 2013

I wanted to make something to celebrate my daughter's first Christmas.
The patchwork reindeer is perfect project!

I have not sewing for a while, so it took me little time to finish.:P

Some of fabric is same as I used when I made baby items before.

I embroidered the year and her initial.

She is now 7 months. She is trying to move forward.

Have a happy holiday, everyone!

2 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

Awww!! Your reindeers are super cute! ベビーちゃんの刺しゅうイニシャル&生まれ年入りで可愛さ倍増ですね♪ パッチの布合わせもすてきです^^

cocostitch さんのコメント...
