It has been almost one year since my last update!!
I have two more blogs in Japanese.
1 : coconuts-soup (This is my first blog. About my life, like a diary)
2 : handmade shop in US (This is about my handmade, craft.)
To maintain 2 blogs, flickr, handmade, etsy shop....
It makes me difficult to post something here in English.
I don't have enough time!! plus I am not good at writing in English....
However, I am thinking to continue this blog. Because my sales of etsy reached 200 last week and most of my customers are from USA and international.
Thank you so much!!
I feel I should share my craft here in English. Addition, I would like to know about you guys! who share wonderful craft thorough the blogs out there.
(If you are interested in my craft, please join as a reader! :D)
But my time is tight! I can't change about it.
So I will move my blog No.2 to here. I hope some of Japanese reader continue to enjoy my craft life here.
I wanted to continue my first blog. Because It has been more than 5 years!! and a lot of my friends are looking forward reading this blog.
All right! Let's start to talk about handmade!

This is the set of 4 coasters made from Michael Miller Christmas fabric.
I made Christmas stocking with these colorful cheerful fabric. They also came out very nice, too!
Now I have a lot of scrap left. So I decided to make the coasters.
To make a coaster, I pieced the tiny fabric to make log cabin

I am very satisfied how it turned out! Coaster is great items as a gift!!
Here is another set of 4

I love these, too. They found new home now. Thank you!!
I have couple more ideas to make coasters.
I hope I will share about it by the next weekend!
Thank you for reading.
Have a great weekend!
Oh, anyways
This is my working table. If you have any experience to make something from your scraps, you would understand this messy messy table. :D
2 件のコメント:
Hello again! I like your English blog as much as I enjoyed your Japanese blog :)
BTW my working table is messy, too ;) Except that my table has not only fabric scraps, but also yarns!! And the yarns are tangled, too :(
Thank you for your comment!
目標は週1回更新!! 英語、変に聞こえる部分も多々あると思いますが、その点は多めに見てください:P